Get Coaching, Get Results
Transform Lives By Opening Our Hearts & Ridding Ourselves Of A Mindset That No Longer Serves Us.
Chicago, Illinois
Inspiration is the most important part of our digital strategy.
We all have a “life story” that sets the scene for our growth. Over the course of our lifetimes, we all tend to develop habits, attitudes, and behaviors that diminish our ability to accomplish more. In effect, our brains become programmed with negative neural pathways that self-limit us from realizing our full potential. But the good news is that we can transform our lives by opening our hearts and ridding ourselves of a mindset that no longer serves us. During our coaching sessions, we will unfold your story together in a totally confidential and supportive atmosphere. We’ll share how you can “rewire” your brain using a proven methodology called Masque-Off ™. Through this program, we will help you identify, achieve and sustain your personal and professional goals.
How Our Coaching Business is Structured and tailored to work uniquely for Individuals, Partners, Families, Relationships, Groups, Personal or Professional circumstances.
LIFE COACHING deals with an individual(s) unique circumstance(s) or conditions. U are cordially Invited to the MASQUERADE BALL of “YOUR” LIFETIME! Imagine what transpires in a child’s mind beginning from their time of birth! Not even knowing what a masque is or what it’s used for. Then imagine…this is the starting point of your greatest movie production and guess what -You have the leading role! Not only the leading role- Star actor/actress but you are the “Director of Screen Play! You get to “Cut” things out and or change the scenes and co-stars. This movie can be as inspiring, joyful and loving or it can literally be a nightmare of melodrama repetitively playing out throughout ones’ lifetime. The Masquerade we affix to ourselves allows us to hide what we don’t want known 😲 and this is done out of some type of fear/ insecurity. Impacts encountered are realized in all 4 stages of this program. Stage 1 is the initial point where we don our first masque(s). All human beings born to this earth unknowingly surrender their true authentic selves to join repeatable cyclic patterns we call LIFE. The truth of this is unveiled through coaching and tools that derive from but is not limited to: Early Childhood Development Truth or Belief Nurtured or Neglected Accepted or Rejected Fearful or Faithful and much more…..