Impressionable Influences

Perhaps someone that provided a fulfillment of one of your desires or what you believed was a need.  Normally children start really being attentive to their friendships, their interactions with family and their heroes.  Sometimes they may be influenced by an elder person especially if the attention is reciprocated.

During this era of telecommunications and social media, it is more critical now than ever to be attentive to what children are looking, researching, and listening to on their devices. Stage 2 gives more identity to knowing at any given time, what feels good or looks good versus the absorption phase in Stage 1 where they literally were absorbing any and all forms of communications without question.

It has been often stated that people become who they “Most” admired or aspired to be by the age of ten. How about you?

What in your Life can be a result of early childhood development? This Program will help you to course correct while gaining lifelong tools with understanding to unveil your Most Authentic You.