Birds Of A Feather Stick Together

Likeminded stick together (Birds of a Feather Stick Together). Young adults wanting to branch out. Self identification, identifying with those that act like, think like, dress like, and so forth.  As they develop as individuals they look for ways to break away from the persona they have established thus far from birth to current age.

Media is even more significant during this time, especially areas of interest that resonate with the values of themselves/their social groups.  Social values and relationships are established; hope and trust that what has developed is a well balanced and harmonious soul in one with themselves and the Universe/God/Higher Power.  While we have been born into sin, and then adapted to societal beliefs/norms we may have made poor choices based on our past donning of masques.  Therefore, we may enter into a cycle of repeat, e.g failed relationships, job loss frequent change in jobs and so forth, meaning “We have NOT Learned the Lesson” or the lesson is in-complete.  Our Masque-Off program will coach and work closely with the Client to ensure desired outcome is achieved.  

This program is designed to awaken the most authentic you; along with giving you the tools that will be used throughout your lifetime.  It is imperative that self work must be performed and there are no shortcuts.  BELIEF or TRUTH clearly defined.

What in your Life can be a result of early childhood development? This Program will help you to course correct while gaining lifelong tools with understanding to unveil your Most Authentic You.